World NewsDecember 9, 2024ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΑΥΤΙΑΣ ΣΕ ΛΑΓΚΑΡΝΤ: ΣΤΗΡΙΞΤΕ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑ ΝΟΙΚΥΡΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΕΙΣ ΜΕ ΦΘΗΝΟ ΧΡΗΜΑ!Βρυξέ ...November 6, 2024ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΑΥΤΙΑΣ “Εθνικά θέματα και καθημερινότητα στην πρώτη γραμμή”Στρασ ...June 9, 2022Η προστασία του Περιβάλλοντος είναι προτεραιότητα του ΚΙΝΗΜΑΤΟΣΗ προ ...June 9, 2022«Heptapolis-Τριλογία, το Όραμα των Δελφών»«Hept ...June 6, 2022Δήμος ΠόρουΟ Δήμ ...June 5, 2022Η Ίος προσεγγίζει τη Βραζιλία και «επενδύει» σε νέες τεχνικές προβολής!Το «β ...June 5, 2022626 ΛEΞEIΣ Πράσινη Kρουαζιέρα επιβάλλει η κλιματική αλλαγή626 Λ ...June 5, 2022Karpenissi Trail Αγώνες Ορεινού Τρεξίματος…..και όχι μόνο!Karpe ...March 27, 2022658 ΛEΞEIΣΔIAKOΠH KAΠNIΣMATOΣ ME BEΛONIΣMO658 Λ ...March 21, 2022Ο Δήμος Πάτμου εναντίον των άδικων διεκδικήσεων περιουσιών από το ΔημόσιοΕκ μέ ... HomeGEORGE AFTIAS TO LAGGARD: SUPPORT SOCIETY, RENTALS AND BUSINESSES WITH HomeGEORGE AFTIAS “National issues and everyday life on the front Art SliderThe protection of the Environment is a priority of the Home“Heptapolis-Trilogy, the Vision of Delphi” HomeMunicipality of Poros Home626 WORDSGreen Cruise necessitated by climate change HomeKarpenissi Trail Mountain Running Races… ..and not only! HomeThe Municipality of Patmos against the unjust claims of property Αττική Ειδήσεις is LIVE online.Αττική: Ειδήσεις από το Discover Greece Attika Scenarios for travel to islandsImportant steps… Read more Breaking News Tourism: Green certificate check beforeThe preparation… Read more Home Kikilias: “For September we hadSorry, this… Read more Attica book now Paros Cyclades Feb 15, 2021 Everyone can… Read more Purple Publications The contribution of Feb 26, 2021 The present… Read more Greece accepts Russian vaccine Theocharis Mar 18, 2021 Greece has been… Read more MORE ARTICLES At the mercy of the Mar 27, 2021 Attica remains… Read more Suez Canal: Customers of shipping Mar 27, 2021 The 400-meter-long… Read more Minister of Tourism in Moscow Apr 14, 2021 The Minister… Read more home Kremlin: Probably the Putin-Biden meeting Apr 25, 2021 Vladimir Putin… Read more home Direct daily flights Athens – Apr 25, 2021 ekirikas ATHENA.… Read more home Mazis: What does Biden’s recognition Apr 26, 2021 Biden tells… Read more MORE ARTICLES New York Times: Tourism restart, May 05, 2021 The "New York… Read more MORE ARTICLES Disagreement of Greece with the May 05, 2021 As the article… Read more MORE ARTICLES Record summer flights from the May 05, 2021 As "K" wrote,… Read more NEWS “Heptapolis-Trilogy, the Vision “Heptapolis-Trilogy, the Vision of Delphi” The official presentation on July 4 On Monday, July 4, 2022, at 11 in the morning, at the Zappeion Megaron will The first official announcement of the OLYMPUS Association will take place concerns the emblematic development project “Heptapolis-Trilogy, the Vision of Delphi “. The Association “OLYMPUS-World Spiritual Center” founded in 1984 by 185 founding members, had as its statutory principle, the planning and the establishment of the “Heptapolis-International Green City”, which would be the motivation for the Greece to become a World Center of Letters, Arts, Sciences and Technology. Over time, with the progressive collaboration […]Read more... Municipality of Poros The Municipality of Poros invites parents who are interested in enrolling their children in the Kindergarten and in the KDAP of the Municipality of Poros in the new school year 2022-2023, to contact as soon as possible with the heads of the Structures, in order to be informed in detail and individually about the process submit an application and complete the registration. Contact info: Kindergarten: tel. 2298023102, Monday to Friday 11: 00-14: 00, in charge of the Structure Vasili Vassiliki. KDAP: tel. 2298022760, Monday to Friday 17: 00-21: 00, in charge of Domi Bardaka Maria.Read more... Ios is approaching The Municipality of Ieton turns its “gaze” to the new markets, utilizing the news tourism data formed after the easing of restrictions due to pandemic. The cycle of journalistic missions “opened” a few days ago with scheduled visit of the authoritative journalist and influencer Natália Manczyk. With 15 years of experience, the popular blogger writes articles from time to time on Brazil’s top news site Catraca Livre with 53 millions of hits a month, has tens of thousands of instagram friends, loyal readers on the blog and 150,000 friends on Kwai which is the most popular application of Brazil, similar […]Read more... 626 WORDSGreen Cruise The cruise has been and will continue to be at the top of the international preferences for the homeland with a bright future and more generally in the Eastern Mediterranean, as long as it has huge coastline, but also the Polynesian configuration of the country, while it is the absolutely safe destination, with excellent climatic conditions and of course the unique, traditional, Greek hospitality. Its cruise passengers Millennial age group is the most enthusiastic audience in terms of the intention to repeat a cruise trip, with 87% saying they would cruises again in the coming years, followed by the Gen.X […]Read more... Karpenissi Trail Karpenissi Trail Mountain Running Races… ..and not only! Evritania is known to all for its mountains, rivers and lakes. A field ideal for all mountain sports and even all year round. Skiing in Velouchi in winter, rafting in Trikeriotis in spring, river trekking in the cool waters of the famous gorge “Always It rains “in summer and mountain biking in the fir forests of Helidona in autumn! Ideal destination to enjoy the magic of nature by choosing the sport that Express! Friends of mountain running it’s time to enjoy the Evrytanian land with their own way. An event that came […]Read more... 658 SMOKING DICTIONARIES 658 SMOKING DICTIONARIES WITH BELONISM Smoking is a serious harmful habit that plagues the Public Health of modern society, It is associated with various forms of disease and can be fatal for him the smoker himself but also adversely affect the health of the passive The best way to avoid the negative consequences smoking is not to start it at all, while if he smokes, quit smoking is best to reduce the risk to his health.O risk of developing diseases does not disappear immediately, but decreases with Over time, the more cigarettes you smoke, the more greater are the risks, […]Read more... The Municipality of On behalf of the Municipality of Patmos and the Mayor Mr. Lefteris Pente, we enclose a Press Release on the very important issue of the claims of the State in the islands of the Municipality. The Mayor of Patmos will be at your disposal for further direct communication if you wish. PRESS RELEASE The Municipality of Patmos against the unjust claims of property by the State Patmos, March 21, 2022 A major national issue is highlighted by the Municipality of Patmos, which concerns the property status of the islands of Arkia and Marathi. At a critical time when the Arkia […]Read more... Ignatius complaint – Michalis Ignatiou refers to the owner of Open (Ivan Savvidis) stating: “As far as I am concerned, the owner of OPEN has never censored me. And he also knows how bad my opinion is of the authoritarian regime in Russia. Whether he is an “agent” or not of Vladimir, is NOT proven by his channel. It is the most independent in Greece, all points of view are projected – there are also positions with which I do not agree and I reacted several times. “But all voices must be heard.” Ignatiou also refers to “fellow journalists to be happy with […]Read more... At the extraordinary The extraordinary meeting of the Mayors in Athens is attended by the Mayor of Karpenisi and President of PED Central Greece Nikos Souliotis, where they discuss the burning issues of concern to the local government and the tragic consequences of the energy crisis in the municipalities.Read more... Tourism: Kikilia proposal Minister of Tourism Vassilis Kikilias participated in the EU Council of Ministers of Tourism, organized by the French Presidency in the city of Dijon. In his speech, Mr. Kikilias referred to the fact that the European Union can deal with the humanitarian crisis faster and more effectively, taking advantage of the lessons learned during the pandemic crisis. The Minister of Tourism stressed the need to create a European mechanism to deal with the crisis and its impact on tourism, but also the possibility of supporting the problems faced by the industry, due to rising energy costs.Read more... Regeneration Study of The renovation procedures of the Eastern Trench of the Venetian Fortifications of the Old Town of Chania are in progress. The relevant study has already been included in the Operational Program “Crete 2014-2020”. In particular, the complete study and the documents of the Public Procurement Declaration for the renovation of the Eastern Trench of the Venetian Fortifications of the Old Town of Chania will be prepared, with the aim of shaping it as a green, culture and leisure area and its functional, environmental, restoration and aesthetic with interventions of mild form and scale, and with respect to the historicity of […]Read more... The three challenges With the hope and expectation that 2022 will prove to be the year when the pandemic will enter a final recession, the general secretary of EOT, Dimitris Fraggakis, conveys to APE-MPE the challenges of the new tourist year. For the third consecutive year that the pandemic continues to affect the whole world with the new variants and is the biggest crisis in the history of Greek tourism, according to Mr. Fraggakis. In this light, industry players note in the APE-MPE the factors that will shape the tourism developments of 2022. And this year, as they emphasize, the health safety factor […]Read more...We introduce you our Reendex Team! Get more information about us here! About Us more headlines in our item sections latest # news